The fact that Helldivers makes these moments all the time is
why we love it. This blog posts is meant to share a few examples
of these moments for our family created by the game Helldivers.
It's the gun Not me really (Inara's Favorite)
had just unlocked the shotgun and decided to try it out on a mission. We are running through the level and Chris
ran ahead, I came up to shoot the bugs surrounding her and BAM the bugs are all
dead, so is she. Crap. So I call in a drop pod to bring her
back. Moments later a patrol shows up
and we are swarmed by bugs, we both start firing killing bugs left and right,
when the dust settles I realize I’m the only one left, I killed her again. Since it was so close to calling her in I had
to wait another minute in game to call her in.
I scramble and run until I can call her back in, when she is back we run
to the shuttle. We call in the shuttle
and just have to survive the 90 seconds till it shows up, I’m being careful
only shooting bugs, we start to get surrounded and I run then at the last
second notice I was about to run into a minefield, I turn around to kill the
bugs on my tail and the Doc drops a third time.
The bugs swarm me as I ran out of ammo and we finally fail the mission.
The Posthumus Savior Turret
We are trying to hold a point as we capture it, we have
water on one side and open field on the other.
The bugs aren’t slowed by the water but we can barely move through
it. Bugs start swarming from every
direction, so we both kneel to call in reinforcments, me a quick airstrike and Chris predictably calls her favorite automated turret.
There is a big pack approaching Chris from the south so I tell her to
run and I’ll call in my airstrike, instead of running she hits the deck and
gets vaporized with all the bugs. I
swear a little and start running for my life.
I run north am gunning down bug after bug, when I hear the click meaning
I’m out of ammo. I try to switch to my
pistol but some bugs get to me and I start crawling away bleeding out, when I
hear a sound like the answering of a prayer, the hum of a turret winding up. Apparently the good Doctor called it in right
before she died. It clears all the bugs
and keeps me safe I heal up call her back in and we finish the level.
The New Rocket Launcher
I had just unlocked a new rocket launcher and me and Nate
were playing against some cyborgs. He’s
only 6 so I usually have to pull most of the weight when we play but we still
have fun. It also doesn’t help that
likes to use the murderous shotgun. Anyways, we get an opening so I decide to call
in my Rocket Launcher, it's pretty awesome, it only has one shot but the other
player can pick up a backpack to reload you between shots. We are trying to capture a point when
a patrol sees us, we get surrounded and I go down. Not sure if it was Cyborgs or that Shotgun,
but I say “Nathan come help me up!” So
he makes a bee-line to me. However, instead of helping me up he picks up the rocket launcher and laughs maniacally. At this point Inara and my Mom both start
rolling. He runs away shoots some
cyborgs who conveniently surrounded me killing all of them (and me). He then tries to reload but can’t get
I could go on forever, we have more moments and more will be
made every day. One of the things I
realize in this process of recovery is that before I would isolate all the time
and experience these “moments” alone.
Now I make them with my family, my friends, and my fellows. These moments bring us together, make us
closer and have things that for years we will be able to say “remember that
Even if you don’t play Helldivers or games, maybe you like
Golf, or board games or fishing, go out with your family, your partner and make
more Moments, fill your life with “remember that time…”’s
To continue the tradition, Wil Wheaton, you should come make moments with us to, or just help us kill bugs in Helldivers.
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