Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Pouty Husband


Today I was ecstatic to find out that I am teaching Interpersonal Communications at Bakersfield College this spring.  This is great news for our family but maybe not the best for my marriage. Adding 2 more classes to my full-time work schedule is going to have to fit into our 100-day commitment.  Life happens but keeping the vow we have made to one another is not going to go away.  Maybe I will have one assignment related to interpersonal communication and video games?

Both of the guys in my house are miserably sick.  John and Nathan have what we think are sinus problems and have both been clingy and sleepy.  Since he is under the weather I let John pick our game for the night.  He asked if he could cuddle and help me out with Drake’s Fortune. He kept me warm and told me which direction to jump as we played to just past the submarine.

Drake’s Fortune is a nice combination of platform jumping, shooting and puzzles.  It is like there are no puzzles since John just tells me what to do.  I like the premise behind the game and it is pretty.  I have not gotten a firm handle on the camera but I hope that will get better as I progress.

I was offended that John was shocked by my competence in solo play.  He even remarked that I “did way better than he expected.” A further boost to my self-esteem is that John is playing Dirt 2 while I blog and he is terrible; he is not a big racing game fan.  I think its neat that you can rewind play in Dirt 2 so that if you make one itsy-bitsy mistake there are actually take-backs.

John is still pouting that we are not seeing Avatar tonight.  My sister had to make things worse by calling to see if we were interested.  Of course we are interested in going to the movies but we have two small children.  Finding out there is no IMAX showing within 100 miles just made things worse. John is devastated that we cannot see the movie as it was meant to be seen but there is just no way we can leave our kids for 6 hours to see a movie.  He and I both agree we cannot see the movie in IMAX and yet he still pouts.  I mean I want to see the movie but I am not convinced it is pout worthy.  We will likely see it 3D sometime in the next few days when we can put the kids to sleep and slip away from my in-laws for a few hours. 

Today I played video games with my sister and husband, this must be some kind of holiday miracle?  I feel like I need to get in as much play as possible before the chaos of the New Year begins. 


  1. I wasn't that pouty just sickly, I wanna see avatar, but I can wait a day I suppose. Also don't be to offended when I said I was surprised at your success I think the last adventure game i helped/watched you play was tomb raider on the PS1 and in that one you couldn't figure out how to turn while running, so you would just run forward, rotate then run some more. So in light of that you were fantastic today ^^

    But it was still fun to watch Uncharted I beat that game a while ago but its a blast, can't wait to try out the new one.

  2. Lol as if my last comment has come true. I'm sure I was actually pouting, avatar sounded amazing and in really wanted to see it. But alas kids come first. It's funny how our movie habits have changed, we used to see every geek movie at midnight, waiting in line for hours. Now movies come and go, we miss movies all the time. It makes me a little sad. We need to commit ourselves to a little more couple time but that also means i need to step up in the planning stages.

    I love adventure games and I love naughty dog. I hope that when the next game comes out we can finish it together. Hello in just want finish any game together. I feel like there are a 100 games I want to share with you that I just keep jumping from one to another. Life is to short and yet he have plenty of time.

