I was almost ready to go to sleep and give up gaming a few minutes early today but then we played the Frida level of LBP and I was sucked in again. If you do not know who Frida is then please google her immediately. One thing I learned on our levels today, that I kind of already knew, is that John is a costume whore. He loves to accessorize his characters. I have given him grief for this previously when we played WoW. LBP makes it so easy to re-equip stuff that John will stop in middle of level and change appearance.
I must admit the costumes in the Frida level are too cool. I know have a mantilla and skeleton face on my little person. She looks a lot like me on Dia de los Muertos.
As I wrote this entry john took a few minutes to decorate our house (our LBP house). It is nice he is taking initiative but feathers and scary faces is not my idea of interior design. The rubber ducks and myriad of flowers on the ceiling are refreshing. We need to get some more items and rework the place in a few days.
I am so glad we get to use our PS3 for more than watching our 2-year olds Disney blu-rays.
Lol you always could make me laugh even tonight when it's late and I feel like carp. You know the reason I love day of the dead so much? Sure the skeletons and art are cool. But really it's because every time I say "Dia de los Muertos" I think of that mural we saw during history day. Which makes me think of when I fell in love with you even though you were obsessed with two other boys. I did everything I could to spend more time with you back then. To think we are where we are now. I don't want our story to end sooner than than the end of time. I won't stop until I reach the finish or some one pulls me off the road.