I received an email two days ago reminding me to wear business casual attire to the WWE Hall of Fame Awards. I had already packed basing my wardrobe choice on photos from last year's event. Panicked, I called the venue and asked if I should wear “cocktail casual” or “business casual?” Without hesitation the woman politely informed me that she received dozen of calls from fans and the general consensus was jeans. I could never wear the top I had brought to work and was relieved that my choice was appropriate.

The efforts by WWE to make this event more classy are admirable, but cheering in athletics bleachers seems at odds with an upscale aesthetic. The email had varying effect and made people-watching a joy. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin embodied this paradox in a tailored three piece suit accessorized with a few beer cans. Other than the VIP on camera I only counted about two dozen women in heels. I expected the outrageous, but what surprised me was that female WWE fans really took the email to heart and honored the occasion with beautiful party dresses.

Like women’s attire at the event, the occasion itself was a mixed bag. Here are my highlights of the night's awards.
Hacksaw Jim Duggan -The crowd chanted constantly “U.S.A.” and “Hoooooooo” as Hacksaw shared the story of how he got his trademark persona and 2x4.
Bullet Bob Armstrong-"Road Dog" and Armstrong's two other sons introduced him and he entered with his trademark dance, keeping the fans on their feet.
Sunny- A farce that cheapened women’s role in the WWE as Diva’s made annoying faces and didn’t break character to present. They introduce legendary personality Sunny.
Abdullah the Butcher-“I have been forked by Abdullah in every state in the union.” -- Terry Funk
RoadWarriors- Rhodes told moving stories, Animal rambled and Paul Ellering was confusing. The overall effect was a long yawn.
Drew Carey- “I am skinny, rich and on TV. Go ahead and boo!” - -Drew
Shawn Michaels- I cried during the promo video, laughed during HHH’s roast and was on my feet instantly during the surprise reunion of The Klique.
Getting to see and hear the honorees recognize God, wives and children was really special. Watching HBK jump off the stage to embrace his adorable red-haired daughter made my night. Just like the outfits there were some duds, but the great ones made up for the rest.
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